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RIP Phyllis

Phyllis has officially bit the dust. For those who do not know, I’ve named my dishwasher Phyllis. And she is a cranky old lady.

Trust me.

Ever since I got her, she’s been nothing but a pain in my backside. Her sensors will drive the calmest person insane. If they go off, you could spend hours trying to find the cup, knife, spoon, fork, plate, bowl, or other random odd dish or utensil that might be positioned just the wrong way so that Phyllis refuses to operate. And she does not budge or give any hints. No amount of pleading, crying, begging or bargaining will get her to give one iota.

Phyllis and her high maintenance sensors can bite me.

A few months ago the door on the left side came off its hinge when I couldn’t get the door to close. I paid someone $140 to spend 10 minutes fixing the door only to find out that it was actually the latch.

Purchased latch online and managed to install it myself only to find out a few days later that there is a leak somewhere.

Enter new door gasket. Nope, that’s not it. After much searching, I discovered there is ANOTHER gasket at the bottom of the door. Mine has a tear on the right corner. The part is about $6, but it’s not replaceable. Because the six screws in the door that the video online says to remove do not exist in my door. It doesn’t come apart.


Except when it does… and that’s not a good thing.

RIP Phyllis. It’s been real, but it hasn’t been fun. Sayonara. Maybe I’ll have better luck with one of your cousins, Frank or Martin.

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