Paleo Sloppy Joes
Ever since I was very young, my dad would joke and call them untidy Josephs. No matter what they were called, Sloppy Joes were a hit...

Beef Bolognese
Fall is my favorite time of year. Maybe deep down it’s because the first hard frost kills off all the pollen, but I look forward to fall...

Stuffed Poblano Peppers
Stuffed Poblano Peppers This recipe includes some meat and some vegetarian stuffed peppers so it’s perfect if you need a flexible meal...

Hawaiian Pineapple Burger
Last Fall I went to Hawaii for a work-related conference and had an amazing time. The weather was beautiful. I loved how relaxed the...

Cincinnati Chili Burger
Growing up in Ohio, Cincinnati chili was a staple. It has a unique flavor all its own. It's often served on spaghetti topped with cheddar...

Beef Stew
I apologize profusely for seeming to abandon you over the last few weeks. Work life got a bit hectic. I had plans of catching up on...