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Day 4 - Carb Flu Sucks!

Let me just say that carb flu sucks! Big time. But I've been here before so I know that this will only last for another day or so. If you are feeling the same way, hang in there. It does get better, much better.

Usually, I study for my work exams while walking on the treadmill each morning. It's the only way I can stay awake while reading the material. It was some really awful number below zero outside with wind chill, and I did not want to have to park in the back forty and face that 10 minute walk into the building in subzero temperatures. I'm okay with the walk most days, but not when it is this cold outside. I got up and, instead of hopping on the treadmill, I made a quick bacon and green onion omelet, dished myself up some of last night's mayo success to top it off, a bit of the leftover roasted butternut squash, and my usual sauerkraut. I crammed all this in my lunch bag, along with my lunch and snacks and headed off into the frozen tundra sporting my multiple layers of clothing. I looked like a yeti.

For lunch, I had some more of the chicken cacciatore, which I am really sick of by now. I might need to dig around in the freezer and see if I've got any other emergency protein to use for lunch tomorrow.

I haven't been mentioning my afternoon snacks as much, but today was two hard-boiled eggs and some of the leftover red cabbage and carrot slaw from last night.

Dinner almost did not happen. I was super tired. I had to put in my time on the treadmill because I failed to get any studying done at my desk this morning, and I was zonked. The kid woke me up from my nap on the couch begging for the promised salmon with fennel and onions. In the Recipe Index, it shows as Tuna with Fennel and Onions, but it works just as well with salmon.

Today's lesson is push through the carb flu. In just a day or two, you will feel fantastic. I promise. Make sure to eat if you are hungry, get plenty of fat to feel satisfied, and go to bed early if you need it.

Happy detoxing, my yumtastic friends!

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