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Week 2 - Day 10

The first week always seems a little rough as your body detoxes from the sugar and junk in your system. My symptoms were exacerbated by some mild food poisoning days four and five. Note to self: If it smells funky, don’t eat it. Lesson learned.

As soon as I suspected that the food I’d eaten was bad, I broke the one kombucha a day rule and drank a second bottle of my homemade ‘buch. I think the extra probiotics helped ward off the worst symptoms, and I was left with a little cramping and malaise for a couple of days. I’m feeling better, and ready to work on a few recipes to post soon.

Week One Recap

During week one, I also weaned myself down to one cup of caffeinated tea a day. I’m shocked. Seriously. I was up to four or five cups a day before the detox. I have one when I get to work and then my second cup is decaf. After that if I feel the need for caffeine, I’m allowing myself a cup of herbal tea with about ⅓ of the caffeine of regular tea. I haven’t needed that herbal caffeinated tea once all week, though.

I did go through the nausea and ickiness beginning around day three (pre-food poisoning so I know it was detox symptoms). It was rough day three or four, and I managed to find a lemon ginger noncaffeinated herbal tea in my drawer. That helped immensely.

How am I doing on the walking and studying? I’m doing okay. I managed to get up before work all five days last week early enough to get on the treadmill and get my 30 minutes done. I’ve done the same so far this week. I’m only on chapter four, but I’m getting there. That’s more than I would have done without the treadmill.

Week Two Prep

I ended up needing to take my kitty to the vet over the weekend so I didn’t get as much done as I would have liked. We did a lot of snuggling in between the sneezes over the weekend. Did you know cats can get colds? It’s apparently a serious thing, too! He’s getting back to his ornery ways so he’s definitely feeling a little better.

On Sunday, I did find a roast in the freezer that I thawed and cooked with some parsnip, carrots, onion, mushrooms, garlic, rosemary and thyme. If you don’t count the burned the veggies on the bottom, it is delicious. That has been lunch the past few days. I’ve got a few pork chops that I brined and cooked on Monday night that will be dinner/lunch this week. I'm working on a tuna steak recipe that I hope to post soon.

I wish I had time to post more often, but I do have a day job and I won't pass that test unless I study. The good news is that I am using my time on the detox to manage my work and stress without resorting to destructive eating habits.

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